Start signing up for an account, if you already have an account, you can log in to a registered account.
Management services include creating rooms, room plans... and configuring room charges, electricity, water, internet....
When activating the management process, you can use all the features to serve the operation and management of your rental service. This activation authenticates the use of HFR services and service fees, see details here.
You can manage your rooms or house through our app. No need to take time to calculate and your time.
All accounts and important information of customers are always kept secure and safe. Reputable quality service to best serve customers.
Accurate calculation system, there is always a daily report for customers. Also, the system has a warning system for customers.
Thank you for your interest in the room management service, if you need more information about the service. Please contact 0888201602 or send mail to support@hfr.vn so we can assist you quickly.
You can access the section Service Price . Then select the free item to register to try the service.
HFR will support 24/7 for customers, free initialization support. Troubleshoot service problems, guide service use to customers. Unlimited functionality in packages.
If you don't have an account, you need to sign up for an account here . Then log in and go to the Service Price and select packages to use. HFR will then contact the customer for support or the customer can contact 0888201602 for the fastest support.
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