

HFR Technology Inc was founded in June 2020 by experienced Co-Founders in the field of software technology, along with a professional and enthusiastic team in the field of services, rooms / houses for rent..

With the main background is to provide solutions to search and manage rooms / motels for the market. The goal is to be a comprehensive online portal for room/inn management across Vietnam. Building, we want to bring users a perfect experience of searching for information, managing rooms / inns in a way: "Easy - Accurate - Reputation".


HFR's Mission

Help people find and create a better living space for everyone!

Help customers manage rooms / inns effectively with the aim of optimizing time, efficiency and convenience for customers! is committed to always doing its best to maintain its role as an effective bridge, a reliable choice, and accurate management not only of large enterprises but also of users - customers. the best in all fields.

"The core values of HFR: Passion - Creativity - Winning hearts"



House For Rent

We always listen to customers to understand more and more demanding needs, not only simply looking for a home but also a living space, an ideal environment for the whole family, creating Build a solid management foundation to serve customers in the most effective way. We, HFR will bring customers more perfect choices, great experiences and best quality!

HFR is not just search, not only room/inn management but HFR is more…

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